

XV Poquelin Rugby Vets
on Odessa tour


Clermont-l´Herault (9.000 inhab.) small town in the Occitanie Region (France) was known in the past as the manufacturer of the quality towels, using the "power" of the river Dourbie... today the Town is the place where quite a big number of sports clubs are active, among them also XV Poquelin  Rugby Veterans .

"Poq-Vets" (new EVRA members), with their agile Team Manager Luc Delher, use to make, as they call it an "exotic" tour, once a year... this springtime the "toured" Ukraine, Odessa where  have had a game vs. ORB Veterans, active member of the European Veteran Rugby Association since 2012... 

By the courtesy of Luc EVRA (for WebNews) got all these photos, that can make one  imagine "What a pleasant Tour" it was...

Sending the photos Luc wrote: "Hi Marko, our trip was great, the Ukrainian people are very friendly,  we have been received like the kings and it's a little thanks to EVRA... "

E V R A Press

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