

Rugby summit
in Zagreb


Veteran "Rugby summit" in Zagreb

The small  Organising Board of "Zagreb" RC, President Juraj Perisic, Secretary Marko Krpan, Old Lions veterans Tihomir Vranesevic and Dubravko Gerovac, with the help of numerous Club volunteers and supported by Croatian Rugby Union, put together once again the international veteran tournament - Memorial "Zdenko Jajcevic", as the part of EVRA LB European Series, to honour their "teacher and rugby father".

Six teams with veteran players from Belgrade, Makarska, Nis, Pancevo, Sinj, Sisak, Split and Zenica played "round a robin" tournament that finished also this year with the organisers of Old Lions. The Bosnian team under the name "Rugby Wolves of Zenica", led by the President Bosko Kukolj and Team Manager Muris Uzunovic, was the most international with 55 players from  "all corners of the world" . . . England, Norway, Danmark, Sweden, Germany, France, Nigeria,USA and of course from their hometown of Zenica.
It was their first ever participation at one Veteran Tournament and many old friends met again after more than 30 years!

The Croatian oldest rugby club HARK Mladost (Zagreb), called "The Moles" , founded in 1953, appeared  also for the frist time with their young veterans team. "It was the valuable experience for us" commented at the end of the day the President Antun Zidic and the Club Secretary Marko Buljanovic.

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