

Rugby & Social
in Milano


Rugby & Social Happening in Milano

The Festival day, June 9th 2012, will bet he "Rugby Celebration Day" in Milano "powered" by Cernusco Rugby Club, that is celebrating its 25th Anniversary.
Rugby Festival had started in 2004, the last 2011 edition attracted almost 50 teams - this year the record should be broken . . . men, veterans, women, supporters and rugby friends are welcome.

The veterans part of the Event "Cernusco Old Rugby Festival“ will have up to 16 men teams, 10 a Side Game will be played . . . "early birds“ will be awarded with  100 Euro "Beer Voucher“  per team.

In the past editions the mostly awarded were the Italian veterans " Alcolizzati“ and "Longbards“ . . . 2012 Award is "reserved“ for a team from abroad.

Do not miss the chance to be the part of this big Festival of Rugby - more information at www.rugbycernusco.it.
EVRA promotional Festival poster . . . Leitet Herunterladen der Datei einclick here

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