

11th Trofeo Salamella
in Mantova


The tradition is going on . . . 11th Trofeo Salamella in Mantova

A huge thank you to Paul Balotta,  the MA dumplings Roberta and Milva and to all the friends and the staff for their help and support to our efforts.

All they did the  work behind the scene that is so important for the "final feeling" about any veteran tournament . . . thanks also to Alessandro Aguzzi that made us having great fun, singing the "oldies from the last century".

 Not to be forgotten are the companies and friends who always help: Moretti Showroom, Taverna del Duca, Al mangiadischi, Ai Railwaymen, sale and repair tires Gemma and Pasolini Fontanesi L., Farmhouse Al Laghet of Tessadri, Carlsberg Horeca, Bakery EnnioTruzzi , Montaldi Food, Try Bar,  Mori Giuseppe and the Berra family. 

The sporting part of the "Trofeo" started with all formations united in one embrace to honour the President of the Rugby Reggio Emilia, who passed away a few days ago.

On the field the teams played with the right approach, combined with the competitive efforts. The matches were "balanced enough"  although at the end the Old Rugby Pesaro team seemed to "brake an edge" in the various stages of the event . . .

The Virgil Senators team: Cighetti Roberto, Gobbi Alessandro, Manzella Sebastian, Pignatti Manuel, Valentini Giuliano, Gianni Riccò, Allodi Renato, Adrian Pagnacco, Cristiano Bressan, Leonardo Messineo, Stradiotto Mattia and the other friends who had given them the wonderful help . 

Also many thanks to Berra Battista who attended the event . . .

For EVRA News  Gobbi Alessandro 

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