

Old Malaguenos
in Heidelberg


Rugby Club Malaga Veterans - OLD MALAGUENOS (Spain) made a short Tour to Heidelberg to play vs. Heidelberger Ruderklub 1872 e.V. - Rugby Oldies.

Sunny and very warm (32° C) Saturday could "dictate" how long will be played (4 x 15 minutes), but not the quality of the play of both teams... old boys played technically "perfect" Rugby, but of course in the slow motion modus.

Important was that everybody enjoyed this game whistled by Heidelberger referee Hans Brauner.

After the game the "cooling" in a Club swimming pool brought the "body temperature" again at the normal level... isotonic drinks made all ready for the Third Halftime, that started after the teams exchanged the sports presents ...

So long the "Grill Meister" Julio and his team prepared "Heidelberg specialities" both teams visited shortly the "Oldie Lounge" - special "holy place" of HRK Vets who made this special "rugby room" themselves and is rich with all kinds of Rugby trophies.

On the Club-terrace, where the guest team performed "Andalusian festtivity party", the Third Halftime took place until the late in the night...

With "See you again soon..." Old Malaguenos left German Rugby capital with wonderful memories.

Uwe Treiber
HRK 1872 Oldies Manager
specially for EVRA WebNews

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