

Beauvais Tournoi Int.
de Rugby Veterans


Beauvais Tournoi International de Rugby Vétérans

EVRA European Series Event 
Year per year Les Indenpendants du B R C are organising their Jean-Paul Cheron Challenge Tournament.

11th edition in 2016 "brought" two new team from the regions Épinol and Béarn and one very special "winner" - Romanians composed of the Old professional and Old international players.

Once again had been proved that such big international Tournament can not be successful without enormous help and support of Club volunteers and helpers.

Fabrice Vandreoux, Tournament organiser, who is the successor of the event  initiator Guy Quaranta, was more tha satisfied: "We are happy and proud that we had organised once again a wonderful Rugby day for all participants and visitors . . ."

As usual EVRA EU Series plagues had been presented to Madame Nicole Cheron - this Tournament having the name to honour her late husband Jean - Paul , to the Oldest Player - Jacky Clabeau (68) from Les Indépendants and to  Georges Poupar who has been managing the First Aid of the Tournament since the beginning 11 years ago -  he is now retiring after 40 years of working for "Protection Civile" organisation.

"Rich" photo gallery Fabrice sent to EVRA  will fulfill your impressions about one of the biggest French Old Rugby events.