

XV Torneo Veteranos
de Évora



Évora in Alentejo (Portugal) which Town centre was in 1986 proclaimed by UNESCO as the World cultural heritage is not only proud on its history, but also on the Rugby club that promote real worths of amatuer sports.Clube de Rugby de Évora is one of European Veteran Rugby Association - EVRA founding members, contributing with their activities to the development of Veteran sports in Europe.

The Veteranos of Évora, led by Paolo Soares Oliveira are dedicated to "keep alive" this tradition, on the Old Boys level, under the motto Fun&Friendship&Fraternity. 

Under the same Motto - for the 15th time - they organized their Tournament, that is the standard part of Licor Beirao European Series - the "chain" of EVRA tournements.Évora Tournaments is one among 56 very different events in this year all over Europe . . . 

Many Portuguise friends came also this time to celebrate good veteran rugby tradition "Play Fair - Play Hard - Enjoy the Thridhalftime". 

Évora Veteranos were and are always good hosts . . .

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