

Zdenko Jajcevic


International Veteran Rugby Tournament
Zagreb (Croatia) was the meeting place for veterans from Udine (Italy), Ljubljana (Slovenija), Zenica (Bosnia & Hercegovina), Belgrade and Pancevo (Serbia), Sisak (Croatia) together with the host team from Zagreb - Old Lions and ZVRK Veterans, for this inaugural Tournament in honour of late rugby International, national coach, administrator and rugby author prof. Zdenko Jajcevic - one of the best known names in the 50 years of the history of Rugby Club "Zagreb".

Wonderfull late summer day, very good conditions and the hospitality of the local organisers, headed by Denis Velickovic, enabled great enjoyment for all participants - on and out of  the field!

After the kick-off by Wili Gartner, the oldest rugby veteran from Zagreb, that came especially for this occassion from Wien (Austria) and almost the whole day of Rugby, Prize Awarding took place in the evening at the club house in Rudes in the presence of the family Jajcevic,  wife Gordana and daughters Mirna and Suncica (international player),
EVRA and RC "Zagreb" awarded all the teams with Licor Beirao Series and Memorial plaques, with the common "message" - Let us meet again next year!

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