

XV Georg Holek


XV Georg Holek  - Vladislav Petras Memorial Cup in Rottweil

XV Georg Holek  - Vladislav Petras Memorial Cup in Rottweil

Farewell Dinner took place in old Staalhalle of Rottweil, traditional place for the celebrations.

On that occassion RC Ricany O33 vets were awarded with the "big cup" from the hands of Edeltraut Holek, the widow of Georg Holek who started it all with his rugby friend Vladislav Petras from Czech Republic many years ago.

The awards for two other teams had been presented by Gerhard Trick (Rottweil) and Eion Power (Konstanz). 

Gerhard Trick ended leading the RBW Oldies for many years and Eion Power took over proudly this duty for the  successfull future of Baden- Württemberg rugby veterans.

Marko Protega, EVRA Secretary presented usual awards for the European Series events,  EVRA Plagues to  the Organiser RC Rottweil and to the Oldest Tournament Player - Brian Burrows (69) - the "Veteran of veterans" of RBW Oldies.

Special personal EVRA plagues were presented to Gerhard Trick to remember with proud on the past days with "his Oldies" and to Edeltraut Holek whose enthusiasm and continous support contributed that this Event became well recognized whithin the European Golden Oldies players in Europe.

XVI Georg Holek Cup International EVRA Series Tournament  will be organised on April 19th - 21st 2018 in Olomouc (Czech Republic) by The Moravian Eagles that already for the sixth time took part at this traditional tournament.

Starting information avaliable at laco[aet]gmail.cz  - Vladimir-Laco Smicka

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