

Welcome to Belluno


Welcome to Belluno . . .


Comitato Old Rugby Veneto, I Fossili Dolomitici Old Rugby Club, in association with E V R A are organising, on september 9th - 11th,  the first ever Italian Veteran Tournament with the participation of the selections of different regions of their Country. More details you can find at Opens external link in new windowCORV  Facebook and Opens external link in new windowFossili Dolomitici  webpage . . .

In the same time this Event is the celebration of 30th Anniversary of I Fossili Dolomitici Old Rugby Club, that is candidating to host EVRA European Festival in 2019 . . .  

The guest team of this big veteran rugby event is EVRA - Europe Select XV Team - Over 50´s with the players from diffrent countries - members of this European Veteran Rugby Association.

The "Europeans" will play the Tournament openning game vs. Over ´s vs. Belluno Over 50s . . .  

The other teams participating "Primo Torneo CORV delle Regioni" (the original name of the Event) are composed mostly of "young veteran players" (Under 49) and are coming from very different parts of Italy . . . "passionate rugby" is expected to be played.

This Event may  be the first step to "All Italian Veteran Scampionato" . . . Italian Veteran Rugby "Championships"

Let us all enjoy the nice "Rugby weekend" at the feet of Dolomiti mountains . . .

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