

Jeff Butterfield
Trophy Pokal


The dream of Jeff Butterfield comes true ...


The Trophy was awarded at the EU Festivals in 2011 to Galicia Old Boys, Spain (Photo 3) and in 2013 to Il Coyotes - Cernusco Old Rugby, Italy (Photo 4) . . . the silver Cup (donated by Barbara Butterfield) is now "waiting" in the Farnham RUFC Clubhouse for the "next winner".

Also in Farnham one of the participating teams will be EUROPE 20XV EVRA Select Team (see Photo 5), this time with the former internationals from Bosnia & Hercegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden.

The Festival Openning game on September 18th will be played between Over 50s teams of the hosts Escargos - Farnham RUFC Veterans and the European EVRA Selection.

The Festival will end on September 20th with Awarding Ceremony and the day before the Gala Festival Dinner, with the honourable guests from Rugby sport,will take place in the big Festival Tent . . .

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