




For the first time ever Sweden hosted one European Series event - the 13th edition of Georg Holek Cup. The Initiative to organize this EU Series event came from Skäne Old Boys (Jeff Butterfield Trophy holder from European Festival in Farnham 2015) together with Pingvin RFC Trelleborg (traditional Swedish rugby club, founded in 1962, 11 times Swedish Champion).

EVRA included this Tournament in the Events Calendar 2016 and supported the organisation, as well as its promotion.

Veterans from Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, supported by veteran guest players from Fiji (Tomasi Tamanivalu), Samoa (Tominik Tevaga) and Tonga (Paea- i - muli Fauése), played the games in the real spirit of Golden Oldies Rugby.

As the guest players (Emanuel Sandu -Manu, Sigismund Feilhaufer - Sigi) and the official from Romania , Dracula Old Boys - Romanian Rugby Federation, Bucharest,  Ana-Irina Dincu, came to Trelleborg not only to join the Tournament, but also to "gather some experience" aiming to organize one veteran tournament in their country in 2107 and so join EVRA and European Veteran Rugby activities.

The Romanians have intention also to candidate for the organisation of Georg Holek Cup in the near future.

Excellent IRB referee Andrew Steven, Englishman from Netherlands, had no problems to conduct the tournament games in the same spirit. This was for him the first ever experience with rugby veterans and by the end of the tournament his comment was: "Wonderful, you veterans just got one more supporter . . ."

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