When rugby enthusiast Georg Holek about ten years ago started with the Veteran tournament with the participation of Czech Republic, Switzerland and Germany he surely were not aware that this event will be once the real international one...
The organising system of this event "one year in Germany, the other one abroad“ contributed that every year more and more veteran teams wanted to participate.
2012 edition had teams from Sweden (Skane Old Boys Rugby), Ukraine (Grey Lions, Lviv), Czech Republic (Moravia Silesian Eagles), Germany (RBW - Oldies) and Italy (Old Rugby Siena and Old Rugby Perugia) and was hosted in Perugia by Claudio Cimato, Matteo Cellini, two experienced organisers and their veterans.
As every year Mrs. Edeltraut Holek were present to award "the winner“ with the big silver Cup - this time the Grey Lions from Lviv were the ones to take this precious award to Ukraine and keep it the in Clubhouse until the next year.
2013 Georg Holek Trophy will be held again in Germany, this time the host will be RC Konstanz and Baden-Württemberg Rugby Union Oldies from September 19th till 22nd
More information at:
gerhard.trick[aet] Gerhard Trick or
eholek[aet] Edeltraut Holek