

National Rugby Festivals
Spain and Poland



Italy Championship 2015 - 2016
Barcelona (Spain)
Sochaczew (Poland)

National Rugby Festivals also in Catalonya/Spain and Poland

Comitato Old Rugby Veneto (CORV) in co-operation with ASD Belluno Rugby - I Fossili Dolomitici Old Rugby Club and EVRA is going to make the "second" step in the promotion of Veteran - Old Rugby in Italy.

On September 10th 2016 on the occassion of the 30th Anniversary of Belluno Old Rugby Club , the  selections of Italian Rugby regions will meet  at  the Torneo delle Regioni d ’Italia  in Belluno, at the feet of  Dolomiti mountains.

Alltogether 10 - 16 Old Rugby regional selections, as well as the European Veteran Rugby Team - EVRA Select XV are excpected to take part at this "celebration of Veteran rugby".

This unique Festival will be also the "organisational test" for the candidature of ASD Belluno Rugby, Dolomitici Old Rugby clubs (I Fossili with the neighbouring rugby clubs) and CORV for 2019 EVRA European Festival . . .

More Info interested clubs can get at 

aghy69[aet]hotmail.com  Filippo Aghito and
Nicola.DaRold[aet]safilo.com     Nicola Da Rold

C O R V  that organises the 2nd "Scampionato" - Old Rugby Veneto "Championships" as the part of EVRA EU Series  2016 (see enclosed poster)  will have this year the Final Tournament in Sllea (Treviso) on May 21st . . .

more Info at  romanoand[aet]hotmail.com       Andrea Romano.

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