

Skäne Old Boys


We are the Skåne Oldboys Rugby

Skåne Old Boys is a mixture of older (senior sounds much better) players from the Skåne region of Southern Sweden. The first meeting of these senior players was back in 2008 in the EMG. The team then consisted mainly of young men around the age of 35. The tournament culminated in a brutal, hard fought final against Sivi Levi(Grey Loins) of Ukraine which we managed to defeat after 40 long, hard minutes. This gave us the drive we needed to form Skåne Old Boys in 2012, and the rest is history…...we have been touring ever since.

Four clubs from the Skåne region began socialising on a regular basis and the result was this dream team. The team has a wide range of playing skills and intellectual ability, due mainly to the fact that we are a mixture of guys from Skåne, Denmark, Romania, England, Scotland and Wales. The Skåne region which has dominated Swedish rugby primarily through Pingvin RC from Trelleborg and Malmö RC, contributed to the stable core of these experienced and talented players. Helsingborg RC and Lugi RFC added to this melting pot to create a well balanced mix of flavours which is Skåne OBR. Despite the fact that our active rugby careers have been officially over for some years, we are now ready for rugby adventure on the high seas. This is of course ideal as long as our wives don’t find out.

Skåne OBR has set the philosophical guidelines for the game we play, both on the field and off the field. The emphasis tends of course to the social side of rugby. We concentrate on having a team spirit which is second to none, and that philosophy extends to our opponents. We have a genuine interest in participating in the whole concept that rugby offers. We see ourselves not only as a team, but as a squad consisting of individuals who all contribute in their own way, as ambassadors of our viking ancestors….well some of us anyway.

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