



Besides the national team, Gonga Rugby is currently working with many polish clubs,  among the others with Budowlani Łódź, Arka Gdynia, Pogoń Siedlce, Orkan Sochaczew, Juvenia Kraków, Posnania Poznań, Budowlani Lublin and BLL-Gdańsk female team . . .

Both, causal and technical clothing are  created by former and current players., with personal experience from foreign leagues and international matches. Such players have "their part" also in the testing and the creation processes.

Gonga bets on four basic values: quality, class, interesting designs and attractive prices. 

Tracking the Rugby trends, implementing those with a solid work an the attention to the details, "listening" to the customers GONGA became a rezognized partner. 

Gonga Rugby has no intention  to "stand still" -  With the openning of "representative branche offices" in other European countries  Company will start expanding on foreign markets . . . what will surely awake bigger interest for the existing "Rugby offer"  

Gonga Rugby is proud to be the part of this big European Veteran Rugby Event.

We wish a warm welcome to all participating teams, their supporters, officials, referees and the sport fans . . .

More about Gonga Rugby  at Opens external link in new windowhttp://www.gongarugby.com/pl

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