

November 2015




On the field  the Senators Virgil (Mantova) had been presented by:  Balotta Paolo, Alessandro Gobbi, Cighetti Roberto, Manuel Pignatti, Buda Massimiliano, Rossetti Marco Valentini Giuliano, Renato Allods, Igor Esposito, Giarratana Corrado, Flacco Thomas Bertolini Giorgio, Stradiotto Mattia and Roberto Rocchi.

The big "Thank you" goes to the friends and the companies whose contribution  to the event was evident: Showroom Moretti, Orthopedics Guadagni, RistoBar Taverna del Duca, Pubs and Merenderia Ai Railwaymen, Gemma and Pasolini Repair and sale of tires Lorenzo Fontanesi, Terre Cannabis, Try Bar, and Hamburgheria -Pizzeria Al Mangiadischi, Farmhouse Al laghet, Montaldi Food, Salumificio Boroni, Bakery Truzzi Ennio Carlsberg and Horeca.

Thanks also to the Town of Mantua for the sponsoring and for the welcome greeting from portatoci Bonaffini Laura, as well as to CSI and EVRA.

Special thanks  to  MaGnocche Roberta, Sandra and Milva, Barbara, Gazzoni Grespi Alberto and Massimo, Corrado Gandolfi, Donati and Marco Alberto Forghieri,  the entire Board of Directors of the Senators Virgil, who proved once again their readiness and passion to be the part of this traditional event.
The evening ended with the greeting words from Battista Berra (this time absent) through Old Rugby Club President Alessandro Gobbi.

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