

Rugby World Cup



Before the opening game of RWC 2015 - Qualifications Europe HUNGARY - BULGARIA, on October 6th , Press conference has been held at the Kecskemet Stadium.

I R B Chairman Bernard Lapasset, FIRA / AER President Jean - Claude Baque and RWC Ambassador Lawrence Dallaglio answered many interesting questions put by the Hungarian Press, present together with some rugby veterans  . . .

One question and the answer of Mr. Lapasset draw special attention: "When it will happen in RWC that small rugby nations have the (real) possibility to reach the Final stage of this third biggest sports event in the world?“ This is possible in other world championships . . .  but of course "the surprises“ happen not too often . . .

Mr. Lapasset was very decisive with his answer: "All rugby playing nations should be proud to be able to take part at any stage of the World Cup. Of course, there are nations with big rugby tradition and without them the Final stage of the World Championships can not be imagined...“
IRB Delagation visited also the Hungarian Parliament in Budapest to meet with the Secretary of State for Sport István Simicskó to reaffirm his support for Rugby in Hungary... [Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensteryoutube]
E V R A delegation, Elio De Anna, Marko Protega, Claudio Da Ponte being the observers at this Press conference took the opportunity to make "the photo of the lifetime“ with the World Cup and Lawrence Dallaglio, RWC Ambassador and England World Cup winner. EVRA Vice-President Elio De Anna and the Secretary Marko Protega had also the possibility to exchange some friendly words with FIRA / AER President Jean - Claude Baque about possible Italy/FVG/EVRA support to the FIRA / AER aims of developing rugby at the Balkan area ...  

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