

Rugby Tournament


During European Festival in Ezstergom in June International Wheelchair Rugby Tournament will be held as the part of promotional action for the Sport for handicapped persons in Hungary.

The only one Hungarian Rugby Wheelchair Club Wildboars from Budapest, with the support of 2013 Festival Organising Committee and EVRA, is organising this Light Rugby Tournament on June 22nd in Esztergom Town Sport Hall, as the official part of European Veteran Rugby Festival.

According to the information of Sandor Koller, Wildboars President four team entered already this unique Event:
Dutch Terminators – Netherlands, Team Germany, Czech Republic Team and The Wildboars.

This Tournament is the regular part of International Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) Events Calendar 2013 programme  . . .  more at www.iwrf.com 

Wildboars Wheelchair Rugby Team (Video - youtube.com)

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