




June 18th 1910 the group of students and sports journalists founded the first "Italian Rugby Society" - Rugby Club Torino . . . and 106 years after, on June 10th 2016 the first ever Rugby Festival,as the part of EVRA European Series, had been organised in this City of Piemonte Region.

Organizing Committee composed of Valentino Savio, Nicola Catalfamo, Lorenzo Genovese and Paolo Guidi, with great support of Old Rugby Club Highlanders ZER011 veterans made this first step - to stage Torino Rugby Festival and join European activies on Seven a Side and Veteran Rugby level.

14 veteran teams were divided into two age groups  

OVER 50s Eminenze Grigie (Vale d´Aosta), Rovigo Rugby Old and Capitolina Rugby Old (Roma).

OVER 35s - Sesto Fiorentino Rugby Old (Firenze), I Passatelli Rugby Old (Ravenna), Allupins Od Rugby (Prato), Mercenari Rugby Old (Rivoli), Barberans Vino & Rugby,

The Festival took place at the Sports Centre  Angelo Albonico Grugliasco  with excellent conditions to stage such a big Event.

The Festival ended on Saturday evening with the "long tables" third halftime with plenty of the Piemontese specialities, italian beer and wine.

Awarding ceremony, that "interrupted" the third halftime, was the occasion that the Organisers present the Festival souvenir to the captains of the each teams (sevens and veterans). 

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