




Anzio is a town on the coast of Lazio region, about 51 kilometres south of Rome.

Anzio is the indirect heir of the ancient Antium, of which occupies a part of the territory, the town was the capital of the Volsci people until it was conquered by the Romans in 493 BC.

Nowadays well known for its seaside harbour setting, it is a fishing port and a departure point for ferries and hydroplanes to the Pontine Islands of Ponza, Palmarola and Ventotene. The veterans, headed by Marco Berti organize since 2010 Rugby Old Torneo under the name "Cittá di Nerone".

This year, the 6th edition gathered the players only from Rome, Viterbo that together with Old Rugby Amatori Anzio  spent an enjoyable afternoon that reminded them when they started to play our Game.

Marco Berti sent for EVRA News these "couple of dusty photos" . . . it was a very dry and sunny day at that first Saturday in June !

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