



Once again Dendermonde RC (Belgium) had organised the successfull
Open Rugby International Tournament, this year again as the part of
European Veteran Rugby Association "Licor Beirao European Series".

From 94 teams alltogether, 12 were the Veterans of very different ages.

This tournament has become one of the most attractive events in European amateur rugby. 

Dendermonde organisers don't really attract professional rugby-sides … they are not really their aim. 

During the past 23 years, the tournament has become the biggest in his kind in Europe. Each year, more and more interested clubs react to our invitation. 

The past years wes have had teams from the South Africa, New Zealand,  Australia, USA, Canada, Russia, Israel, Senegal, Saudi-Arabia, Cameroon, England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Romania, Italy, Switzerland, France, Poland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and of course home sides..

The tournament-schedule usually provides two separated competitions: a high-level Cup-tournament and an interesting and social tournament (call it 'Beer-cup’). The teams that go for the Cup are usually taking a little bit more care of themselves, while the other teams have clearly other priorities. 

The games are played on six pitches and the referees are flown in from England.

"For the Love of Rugby & Beer"  we as the Organisers ensure that each team experiences the social side of the tournament  - Opening and Closing ceremony parties as well as Match day celebrations - after each day’s play spectators and the teams can enjoy the social format and everyone will get to make new rugby playing friends from across the world.

With these Tournament photos . . . Oval greetings from Belgium

Gert van den Steen

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