Saying this the players and the supporters do know what I mean.
The others either do not understand, or do not appreciate what I say, even sometimes it is for us - as a "caste", who believes to be better is also far away from the truth . . .
EUROPE 20XV EVRA Select Team played at the start of R W C
"European" Selection of veterans from 9 countries took part also at the 3rd EVRA European Veteran Rugby Festival in Farnham at the start or Rugby World Cup in England.
Host team Escargots Over 50´s openned the 2015 Festival with the game vs. EUROPE 20XV Over 50´s.
Late summer tournamnet in Sinj
Since several years the veterans of Rugby Club "Sinj" (Croatia) are trying to establish annual national veteran tournament . . . this year the veteran players from Sisak, Split, Zagreb and "local" players of "Veteran ´78" met again and have spent the pleasant day of Rugby that ended with "rich third halftime" and exchanging of tournament / clubs awards.