

25th "Oleg Zaycev"


Ioskhar Ola, situated on the banks of the river Mala Kokschaga, is the capital of the Republic of Mari El.

Rugby has a long tradition in this part of Russia and this 25th annual memorial tournament is only the "small part" of this fact,  that also Ice Hockey belongs.

2016 edition took place at one cold April morning with snow and strong wind.Veterans of Mari El "Politechnik" team hosted Kazan Old Boys - "Greyhair Panthers" at the "Molodezhiniy" Stadium.

To "warm up" the "Panthers" scored three tries in a row, but in the second half "Politechnik" players "returned" to the game, that ended tightly in favour of the guests. Alexander Smoylov, founder of Rugby in Ioskhar Ola and now "veteran coach", together with Ivan Grebnev, Rugby Federation Director were satisfied with the "Memorial atmosphere", discussingduring the "third halftime" with the players of both teams about the "end result"  . . .until of one the veterans  drew the attention of all saying that "the result in the golden oldies rugby" has not any meaning at all". But "fighting" for the win is still in the blood of these real sportsmen . . . was the answer.

The "best players" of the Memorial Oleg Kozlov (Greyhair Panthers) and Sergey "Bams" Lohanov ( Politechnik Vets) had been awarded with EVRA EU Series plagues.

Anatolii Horoshilov, "Politechnik" Vets Captain

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