

"Memorial Day"


UROGALLI RC 1981 "Memorial Day"

Udine (Italy) veterans organised also this year their traditional international veteran tournament, known under the name "Memorial Day".

The Croatians (Zagreb) and the Italian teams spent an enjoyable rugby day in spite of the rain and the unusual spring temperature.

Urogalli President Sergio Bracci and his team mates with the family members, supporters  succeeded once again, with well known Italian hospitality, to make the Event, as the part of Euopean Series, that all the participants will remember for sure until the 2016 Memorial.

The Oldest Player of the Memorial, Carlo Minen (67) , and the Tournament organisers were awarded with the traditional EVRA European Series plagues.

Urogalli Veterans sent for EVRA News these photos  as the "small evidence" of the nice rugby day . . .

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