Galicia Old Boys (Spain) are the holder of the European Festival most precious award "Jeff Butterfield Trophy“. Won last year at the EVRA Festival in Cascais this Trophy will be exposed until the European Festival 2013 in Hungary at the special place in "O Delito“ Restaurant, situated in the Boulevard o Papagayo in Corunha.
111.111th VISIT CAME FROM . . . ?
EVRA website created by Dirk Grimminger, web designer from Heidelberg (Germany), started 14 months ago.
It attracts not only European visitors, but also those from almost "every corner of the world“ like Ivory Coast, Nigeria, India, Malaysia, China, Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and USA . . .
On March 12th 2012 at 12,02 hrs 111.111th visit came from Burkina Faso!
Authentic, informative and actual EVRA website has 66,91 % "new visitors“ every three months, 33,09 % are so called "returning visitors“ . . .
Visiting tendency is "going up“ . . . activities of our members and supporters are making this possible.