

MONZA Meeting point for European veterans


MONZA Meeting point for European veterans

Once again the shiny October day have blessed the Memorial Poletti  - Hibu Brewery Tournament hosted by Bad Panda Rugby Monza.

10 teams alltogether, three from italian regions (Bad Panda Monza, Dragold Milan, Red Dogs Milan, Chicken Milan, Monza Veterans, Orche Recco, Allupins Prato) and this time three quests from abroad (Rubipedes "first" and "second" team from Switzerland and Kidderminster Carolians from UK), have enjoyed a perfect day for rugby . . . 

Interesting games, great-q beer and food, relaxing with shatsu massage, live music with our beloved R&B band Still a Live, choirs . . . a lot of rugby, a lot of GOR motto Fun & Friendship & Fraternity 

Probably this VI edition has been our best one.

Bad Panda Monza members are so proud, thanks everyone . . .


Any award? Yes, of course, let's start wit the most important. The "child" of the day was Alessandro Daneu 64 years old, right on the day of the tournament, has been awarded with the EVRA EU Series plaque (sorry for the bad picture, he was so excited that he moved himself too much). Happy birthday Alessandro . . .

The most " games impressed team" were the players of  Kidderminster Carolians  . . .  followed by Rubipedes and Monza Veterans.


We wait for you the next year again . . .


Danilo Sartori

BAD PANDA Rugby Monza