



Clermont-l´Herault (9.000 inhab.) small town in the Occitanie Region (France) was known in the past as the manufacturer of the quality towels, using the "power" of the river Dourbie... 

Last month in Belgrade rugby players and their friends had celebrated the Cenntenial of Rugby Football (Union code) in this small Balkan country.

After a "couple of years of brake" Old rugby players made the "new" start... under the leading of Nicola Tontini Amatori Rugby Pesaro, ...

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The 13th edition of the tournament  was  a great success  that allowed each team to meet (play against) all the protagonists , as  the number of the teams was smaller than in the previous years. 

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Rugby Club Malaga Veterans - OLD MALAGUENOS (Spain) made a short Tour to Heidelberg to play vs. Heidelberger Ruderklub 1872 e.V. - Rugby Oldies.

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