The real passionate Rugbyman
Dieter Entenmann - "Butzer" died in age of 78 . . .
His dream to bring the veterans from "all over the world" to Heidelberg came true in 1994 when Rugby Union Baden - Württemberg organised II European Festival.
Dieter was, with other rugby personalities, the member of the Organising Committee (photo 2. Dieter in the front row with "his Rugby ball") and the driving force of the local O C, led by the Chairman and RBW President Claus-Peter Bach and the Festival Director Marko Protega, member of the European Committee of the International Golden Oldies Rugby Association from New Zealand.
Apart from Rugby, Dieter´s passion was also the Rowing . . . he never "took a place" in a rowing boat, but his dedication to support the sport development was obvious when continously contributed to "his Rudergesellschaft" (Rowing Club) that "ended" recently when he donated two boats for the competition (in the orange colour, the colour of his Rugby club too) named "Ente" and "Butzer". . .
The wife Elfriede, his eternal love since 55 years, his son Matthias and the daughter Katrin, with four grandchildren, as well his Heidelberger Neckarschleimer, EVRA rugby friends will be missing him . . . the way he was.
Dieter was very proud of his son Matthias, who played for "his RGH", German National side and was one of the best players in XV a Side game , as well as in the olympic Seven a Side Rugby.
Shortly before he lost his father, Matthias and his friends organised successfully "Oktoberfest Munich Sevens" , strong international 7 ´s tournament, with the intention to get for German rugby the status of World Rugby Sevens Series events in the near future . . . Entenmann´s supporting the Rugby development is going on . . .