

Honey Cup



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EVRA Polish member WFS Siedlce Rugby Club was the organiser of Licor Beirao European Series Tournament, for the first time ever in Poland, with the participation of ATLANT Veterans from Kaliningrad (Russia), POLAND Veterans - mixed team from different clubs and WFS Siedlce RC.
The games have been played at the new Town Sport Centre with excellent sports and rugby facilities.
Kaliningrad veterans "won“ the Tournament and in the evening of September 22nd the "Third halftime“ with Prize awarding has been held in hotel Hetman, official hotel and sponsor of the local Club.
The Tournament organisers Jacek Wierbiczki and Greg Pliszka were satisfied with this first experience, although the French team Les Bleus de Gex cancelled their participation at the last minute . . .
Slawa Czyzow (Atlant), Cezary Zabokrzycki (Poland Veterans) and Marek Kisielinski (WFS Siedlce) were "The players of the Tournament“ . . .
EVRA Secretary, Marko Protega, that attended this Tournament took the opportunity to welcome all the teams, to thanks the organisers for supporting European Veteran Rugby movement and for this first "successful step“, as well as to invite all to take part at EVRA European Festival 2013 in Hungary (Esztergom) . . .
Get some impressions of this first Event in Poland . . . klick to view!

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