



Rugby friendship flies high . . .


This first Tournament "brought back many of the pioneers" who put on Club rugby jersey again after more than 30 years . . . or were there just to enjoy meeting old friends at the side of the rugby pitch.

To mention just some of them . . . Borut Kurtovic (Team captain) came especially from Israel, Sinisa Tartaglia (Founder, Caoch and player) from Split, Slobodan Kostanic (international Back Row player) from Zaostrog, Marko Protega (international Back Row player) came from Germany (Heidelberg),  former Front -, 2nd -  and Back- Row players Ivica Mrksa, Danijel Simic, Neven Grubisic, Veselko Simic, Slobodan Puharic, Mile Kovacevic, Zeljko Mucic, Ivica Mracevic, Mate Rakusic joined this first event . . .  

Nr. 9 - Ivan Kelviser came from Zagreb . . . and the  "flying threequarters" Tonci Sabic, Zeljko Babic, Ante Beros, Mijo Lulic . . . just "completed the veteran team". Especially appreciated was the presence of two most famous Makarska players ever, Drago Lulic and Zdenko Roso, both played professionally  for the top French clubs, leading now the Club towards further development.

This "rugby gathering" showed one more time that sportsmen´s friendship lasts "life long" . . . thanks to all those for making this initial step towards the 50-th Anniversary year .  Enclosed photos (by the courtesy of Vesna Kurtovic) are presenting some of the "rugby pioneers" from 1968 . . . at the "time being".

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