




Our Website started well . . . in a less then one week we had 1.044 visits.
Here are some of the opinions from the great number we had received

Jean-Claude Baque (France), FIRA/AER President
"Dear Marko, with great pleasure I had visited E.V.R.A website, unfortunately shortly as you know I have still many obligations. The Home page is wonderful . . .“

Micheal Rowe
(England), Curator World Rugby Museum Twickenham
"Marko, many thanks and congratulations on a great website . . .“

Peter Ianusevici (Germany), National Coach
"I have taken a look at your new website with quite a lot of members.
It is now under my Favourites, you know I soon too shall be one of your veterans.“

Tomás Espinosa Lidón (Spain), E.V.R.A. President
"Dear Marko, first of all congratulations for your great job with the website, and also for Dirk, the web designer. I think this website is just perfect for EVRA . . .“

Laurent Tournier (France), Director Tactic 3D Toulouse
"Marko, the website is very professional . . . wish you and the EVRA members successful new year . . .“

Claudio Da Ponte (Italy), Project Manager Rugby Club Magazine
"Marko, thank you and Dirk for the unique and very original website, I am sure that it will contribute that the members of our Organisation grow . . .“

Piet van den Deijjsel (Netherlands), President Old Bosbokken, Hilversum
"Hello Mark, thank you for very typical website. EVRA had started successfully, let us proceed the same way in the future . . . my sincere congratulations.“

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