




Maurizio Mapelli, ORCAS Recco (Italy), the team manager and tournament organiser sent us the information directly after this Old Rugby Tournament: on Saturday, May 9th, we played the first ever tournament organized by the veterans of the Pro Recco rugby.

Apart form our "oldies" two more Italian teams, Old Rugby Rho (Milano), Vecchio Chieri (Torino) and the London Welsh Vets  from United Kingdom took part.Some individual players from Novi (Piedmont) and Cavalieri di San Giorgio (Genova) "supported" the tournament games.

This was also our first participation at EVRA Licor Beirao European Series and we are glad to contribute further on to veteran sports - Rugby development in Europe and in our Country. Thanks to EVRA for special EU Seríes plague that have found its place in our Clubhouse, to remember us on this first attempt . . .

Three matches have been played, with no ranking at the end -  all Rugby veterans were the winners, following the motto Fun & Friendship & Fraternity.We have had two players aged more than 70 - So how could we declare that they are not the winners?

All together  it has been a  good day of rugby, fair play, plenty of beer and good italian food as the typical "pasta al pesto" and "focaccia al formaggio". Pasta with a basil sauce – with olive oil, cheese, pine nuts and garlic – and the cheese pie that you can find only in Recco!.

And, of course grilled sausages, too, "galore" . . .

Enjoy the "Recco atmosphere" watching enlcosed photos.See you next year in Recco

Maurizio Mapelli

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