



EUROPE 20XV EVRA Select Team played at the start of R W C

"European" Selection of veterans from 9 countries took part also at the 3rd EVRA European Veteran Rugby Festival in Farnham at the start or Rugby World Cup in England.

This time under the name EUROPE 20XV the following players played for EVRA Selection: Francisco Javier Rodriguez, Jose Anton Ramon - Benti, Marcos Fierro, Arjona Claudio, Cata Daniel, Gabriel Hasenbein, Ignacio Carazzo, Alfonso Otero (all Spain), Tihomir Vranesevic - Team Captain, Drago Lulic, Denis Velickovic, Goran Trkulja (all Croatia), Antonio De Grandis, Rosario Biunno, Lorenzo Gigliotti, Roberto Magrassi, Alberto Mapelli (all Italy), Thierry Dais, Pero Barisic, Martin Christophe (all France) , Koavcs Attila (Hungary), Dragomir Puric ( Sweden), Miguel Vareta (Portugal), Muris Uzunovic (England), Suad Kapetanovic (Czech Republic).

Host team Escargots Over 50´s openned the 2015 Festival with the game vs. EUROPE 20XV Over 50´s.

EVRA second game was v. Skäne Old Boys (Sweden) the "winners" of Jeff Butterfield Trophy, the most precious Festival award given to the team that showed  "the most European approach to veteran rugby - on and off the field".The third game European veteran played vs. Moravian Eagles (Czech Republic), the team combined of the players from different Moravian clubs.

The last game should have been played vs. combination of Évora/Porto veterans (Portugal), but at the very start after EVRA player Francisco Javier Rodriguez (Spain) had serious injury both teams decided to break up this game . . .Francisco is on the way of rehabilitation in his hometown of Elche with all good wishes from his team mates . . .

For 2016 EVRA Select XV Team will get the invitations to take part at celebration festivities tournaments from Italy, Scotland and Portugal of local EVRA member clubs.

Let this several photos "awake" the feeling what Fun & Friendship & Fraternity means in our sport . . .

Marko Protega, Team Manager

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