

In Memoriam -
Dieter Entennman-


The real passionate Rugbyman

Dieter Entenmann - "Butzer" died in age of 78 . . .

Dieter Entenmann (Heidelberg), one of EVRA founders and finnancial audit died  on October 29th, eleven days before his 79th birthday, after suffering for a longer time from uncurable desease.

His short rugby career started in 1958 when playing for Rudergesellschaft - RGH Rugby in the 1st German Division.

Unfortunately Dieter had to stop playing suffering from asthma attacks frequently. But this was not a reason to "brake" with his favourite sport . . . he remained active until the end . . .  having leader´s postion in his Club, Rugby - Union Baden Württemberg - RBW, 1st German Rugby Division.

As the first ever nominated responsible person for Golden Oldies Rugby of RBW Dieter founded and led the Veteran team "Heidelberger Neckarschleimer" (photo 1) with the players from  Berlin, Frankfurt, Hannover, Leipzig, Offenbach, Stuttgart and Heidelberg, for many years.

This "selected" team took part under his management at World Golden Oldies Rugby festivals in London (1985), Auckland (1987), Toronto (1989), Perth (1991), Dublin (1993), Christchurch (1995) Capetown (1998), Toulouse (2001), as well as at the 4th European Festival in Aberdeen (1988).

His dream to bring the veterans from "all over the world" to Heidelberg came true in 1994 when Rugby Union Baden - Württemberg organised II European Festival.

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