




For the second time this year Old Rugby Sesto Fiorentino (Italy) had organised the small veteran rugby tournament with four teams I Muccati, Il Cavallo di Bastoni (Ferrara) and Guatro Gati (Vicenza). Not a "bad idea to meet regularly" with old rugby firends by playing thier favourite game and enjyoing all what the third halftime can offer.

This Tournament was the opportunity to share the initiative of the project of I Muccati team - "In viaggo con Nina". This little girl suffered from multi-malformative genetic diesease that requires constant and continous care.

Those that have intention to help contact please Carlo Barbieri at carloceciliab[aet]gmail.com

The third Sesto Fiorentino veteran tournament, under the name QUADRANGOLARE DELLA BIRRA, will be held on October 10th to honour Friendship &  Bier & Rugby World Cup . . .

All three tournaments are the part of Licor Beirao European Series . . . congratulations to the veterans of Sesto Fiorentino for their engagement and the activities as new member of "EVRA Family". The organisers Carlo Barbieri, Dario di Feo and Antonio Abussi sent the photos for EVRA News, inviting to take a look and decide to join them again in autumn . . .

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