

6th Polish Veterans


6th Polish Veterans Championships

Under the patronage of Polish Rugby Union (Polski Zwiazek Rugby) Polish veterans organized in Sochaczew, the town  situated in the "centre of Poland", 6th Veterans Rugby Championships.

Oldies players from, Gdansk, Gdinja, Lodz, Mazovia District, Minsk Mazowiecki, Poznan, Siedlce, Warszaw and the host Town showed their abilities and the commitment to our Sport.

The winners were the Vets from RC Lechia Gdansk, followed by Sozchacew and Warszaw teams.

This time also the best individual players had been awarded . . . Witold Pieniek (Orkan - scrum) and Arkadiusz Bistram ( threequarter of Old Blacks Gdansk).

MVP Tournament Award went to Daniel Kowalski (Lechia Gdansk)

The Oldest Player of the Event was Waldemar Celinski (RC Orkan).

On the occassion of 2016 Championships all participants had been informed about EVRA European Veteran Rugby Festival 2017 to be organised by WFS Siedlce Veterans and supported by Polish Rugby Union. Polish vets will be well represented at this first ever European Festival to be held in their Country.

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