

1st Italian Old Rugby



After the years of preparation and various "projects" Veneto Old Rugby Committee, together with nine veteran clubs, presented last October with great satisfaction the start of the 1st Italian Old Rugby "Championships".

The games are played monthly as tournaments under the Regolamento dell´attivita"Old" of Italian Rugby Federation (FIR). After seven"Championships"  rounds the Final tournament will be held on May 23rd  in Oderzo (or Silea) . . .

It happens not accidentally that the "Mother earth of Italian rugby" (wider area around Treviso, Padova etc) initiated and started this future "All Italian Old Rugby Championships".

Italy is the second country, after France that has, as the French call it,  "Ancient Rugby National Tournament". Since 1976 is this National tournament organized, each year in another town, by U.F.A.R. and under the "patronage" of F F R.

9 Italian clubs Old Ruggers (Treviso), Ombre Rosse (Padova), Old Rugby Club Oderzo, Armata Brancaleon (Mirano), I Fossili Dolomitici (Belluno), Le Mummie (Mestre, Venezia), Amatori Rugby Camposampiero (Padova), Kankari Rugby Veterans (Lido, Venezia), Amatori CUS Rugby (Padova) made their first attempt with great beleive that the years to come will involve each year more and more old rugby clubs and their players Over 35, all willing to  proceed playing their favourite game (after "retirement") and meet old and new sports friends "on and off the pitch" . . . all under the motto "rugbista é per sempre" . . .

The 1st Italian Old Rugby "Championships" had been included into Licor Beirao 2015 European Series of E V R A with the aim to promote further the veteran sports - Rugby, on National and International level.

After the Final Tournament EVRA  will present the Fair - Play Trophy to the team elected by the Committee Old Rugby Veneto as the team that showed at most the Fair-Play attitude during the whole "Championships".

Vanni Favorido
Marko Protega

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