

Celebrating Rugby during the „Covid – 19“ time . . .


Celebrating Rugby during the „Covid – 19“ time . . .

Hungarian Rugby veterans “dared” to enjoy (and play) our Game in spite of the still actual pandemic situation.

Szentes RFC  celebrated 30th Anniversary with the game  Kecskemet Old Boys vs. South Hungary Old Boys

(photos nr. 1, 2, 3 )

In Esztergom (the place of 2nd EVRA European Festival) on the occasion of “Rugby 7s Day” played Esztergom Vets vs. Old Boys Hungary

(photos nr. 4 , 5 )

In the Hungarian Capital played Budapest Exiles RFC vs. Old Boys Hungary . . .

(photos nr. 6, 7 )

Thank you Hungarian veterans for “reminding” us that we are the Rugbymen !

 See and welcome some of you next year at the re-start of all our activities . . . that make us all satisfied playing our favourite game  and meeting old friends all over Europe.