

Capital of Rugby


MANTOVA the "Capital of Rugby" with "Sausage, Salami & Rugby ball" Torneo

For the second October weekend 2016  Mantova and the Senatori Virgiliani Old Rugby Club were the "Capital of Rugby" of veterans in Italy . . .

Their 8th Old Rugby Torneo, held at Migliaretto of Mantua, attracted the following teams: Arvalia Villa Pamphili Rome, Ombre Rosse Padua, Old Blacks Milano, Old Devils Colorno, I Veci de Ospi Ospitaletto Brescia, the Old Becks Reggio Emilia, the Allupins Lawn and the Hyenas Badia Polesine Rugby Old.

Also this year this traditional Torneo, sponsored by the City of Mantova, had been organized by the Senators Virgil Old Rugby Club, in collaboration with CSI Mantova and EVRA - European Rugby Veterans Association.

The approach that has characterized the whole event was the feeling of Friendship and Fun and involved were all the formations (players, supporters, relatives). The veterans of different teams that have played "not for their" team, came to Mantova to share that weekend with friends, to help and support the sporting spirit and solidarity that is usual attitude of Virgiliani senators . . . A special thanks to friends Marco Zaffini, Maurizio Parravicini, Nisvet, Golub, Sandro, Silvio Renato, Gianni, Pablo and the others from Villorba, Pesaro and Treviso.

The day begun at 11 am with the Welcome drink at Piazza Sordello, then with 14.30 kick-off started the matches, well conducted by experienced referees Stefano Pedezzi and Nugnes Federico. 

In the evening at the "Third halftime" party the President Alessandro Gobbi, in the typical role as the Senator, addressed to all the participants, thanked them most sincerely for the continues support, as well as to Massimo Rima of the City of Mantova.

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