




E V R A European Festival 2017
Plenty of Rugby & Entertaintment, convinient conditions in rugby stronghold of Siedlce

More than one year ahead of the 4th EVRA European Festival the Local Organising Committee started the preparations for this big European Veteran Rugby event.

The team of five experienced and enthusiastic rugbymen (see Photo from the December meeting) decided to make this, first ever European Festival in Poland, Event true European one, offering modern and new Town Sport Centre as the Festival site, various accommodation possibilities and of course plenty of Rugby and Entertaintment.

Organising Committee (photo, from left to right)

Bartek Zagalski (Treasurer of Miejski Rugby Klub) - Financial matters, Medical service, Catering, Interpreter Service . . .

Krzysztof Kisieliński (President Miejski Klub Rugby) will be responsible for Festival general organisation - gadgets, engagement of volunteer helfers . . .

Wojciech Plichta (WFS Siedlce veterans coach) . . . Transportation and Security,

Jacek Wierzbicki (Manager of Poland Veterans Team, Chairman of Revision Committee) will lead Media - Internet matters and will be the Liason Officer to Polish Rugby Union

Grzegorz- Greg Pliszka (Vice-President Miejski Klub Rugby) - Accommodation & Sponsoring,

The Committee members are on the disposal for the answering - solving any questions relating your possible participation . . . get the information you need first at the Festival website www.evra2017.siedlce.pl  and make your decision with the support of the Local Organising Committee.

New Town Sports Center (see Photos) with excellent facilities is ready to host the European Veterans . . .
Be welcome to join your old and new Rugby friends. . .

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