“Sinj ´78” - the veteran section of RFC “Sinj” (Sinj), EVRA member since the foundation of this European Association, kept recently the regular annual meeting and decided to form a new veteran rugby club under the name RAGBI KLUB VETERAN.
Zoran Bilokapic will be the President for the next four years , the function of the Vice – President had been voted to Bosko Vladovic and the Secretary “job” will the duty of Alen Domazet – Loso, all three former players of “Sinj” RFC first team.
Plans for the 2014 / 2015 had been already made, participation at different veteran events until the end of the year, organisation of one tournament at home (probably in October), and for 2015 the big temptation of Rugby World Cup in England with EVRA European Veteran Rugby Festival got unanimously the priority.
Be welcomed to the big European Veteran Rugby family . . .