

Bosnia & Hercegovina


The first Veteran Rugby Club in Bosnia & Hercegovina

After 45 years of playing Rugby in  Zenica (Bosnia & Hercegovina) former players decided to found the club under the name "Rugby Wolves of Zenica".

In the past more than four decades many of players spread all over Europe, especially in France, where they are now recognized coaches, enthusiastic supporters of our Game, but never forgotten where they started to play . . .

All of them were among 29 delegates that at the end of July at the foundation meeting decided to start being organized part of European Veteran Rugby activities.

For the first President Suad Kapetanovic, one of the the founders of Rugby in Zenica and trainer for a long starting period, was elected . . . we beleive that nobody else was happier in that moment as he was - it was the recognition for all the generations  of Zenica Rugby.

Among other decisions made - The Wolves to join EVRA and with organising  their first Internnational Veteran Tournament in 2018 (on May 4th) and so become the part of Licor Beirao EVRA European Veteran Rugby Series.

More information at  radenkopirgic@gmail.com Radenko Pirgic

Rugby gathering in Zenica "ended", at the stadium "Kamberovica Polje", with rugby games of former players - oposition teams from Pancevo, Starcevo, Vrsac, Zagreb and of course Zenica.

Great celebration of 45 years of Rugby had been "closed"  with the Third Halftime, offering the enjoyable programme that hosts prepared for all the participants.

Take some impressions from Zenica at Photo Gallery . . .

Radenko Pirgic

Marko Protega

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