

Belluno Festival 2019


Belluno Festival 2019 - "Singing in the rain"

Both Rugbymen were the ones of EVRA founders, supporting this European Association from the very beginning in 2010.

Regular EVRA Board meeting, this time together with the delegation of UFAR, took place in Belluno, during the Festival.

One of the main decisions was the election of UFAR President Alain-David Hugues as the co-opted EVRA Board Member (see photo 2, the third from right).

UFAR and EVRA together are planning further development of Veteran Rugby in Europe . . .

Also at Belluno Festival EVRA - Europe Select XV Team, Over 50s had participated (see photo 3) with "oldies" players from Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary,  Italy, Israel, New Zealand, Scotland and Spain.
EVRA Oldest Player was Borut Kurtovic (Israel) at age of 70 . . .

6th EVRA Festival will be hosted in September (3rd - 7th) 2020 by RC Leipzig, Rugby Union Sachsen and City of Leipzig.

More information soon at www.evra2020.leipzig.de  and info[aet]evra2020.leipzig.de,  or at www.evrugbya.org

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