

Belluno Festival 2019


Belluno Festival 2019 - "Singing in the rain"

Constant rain during the 5th EVRA Festival in Belluno did not spoil good rugby athmosphere and the enjoyment the Festival organiser, with numerous volonteers,  have prepared for European veterans, gathered in this nice Town, "under the feets" of Dolomiti mountains.

Veterans from Belgium, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Spain, Poland, Portugal, Ukraine and Wales played in two age-groups Under 50s and Over 50s, under the "guidance" of the group of 10 experienced Italian referees led by Paolo Bucci and EVRA Referees co-ordinator Andrew Stevens (Netherlands).

After two days of games and "singing in the rain" EVRA Executive Board decided that the Festival most valuable  prize - Jeff Butterfield Trophy this time goes to AMSTERDAM ACADEMICALS, who had participated with two teams . . . Their Team Manager  Fake Herman Nieuwenhuis, receiving the Trophy from EVRA Secretary Marko Protega (see photo 1) at the Festival Gala Dinner in old Padavena Brewery, said very shortly :  "Amsterdam Academicals were proud to take part in this great European Veteran event . . .  See you all next year at the 6th EVRA Rugby Festival in Leipzig !"

The Oldest Festival Player José Redondo (76) RC Lousa Veteranos (Portugal) was the first one to receive the new Fritz Ueberle Sr.Trophy donated by Family Ueberle (Heidelberg) as the Challenge cup for the future European festivals . . .

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