




Bebo Zanetti was one of the cornerstones who founded Imola Rugby. Unfortunately the harsh desease in 2007 interrupted his "race", just a few days after Rugby World Cup in France took place.

He was following the matches from the hospital and often had called wishing to have "fresh" reports from the host country, remembers Massimo Villa, Imola Rugby Association chairman, with the tears in his eyes.

Bebo´s team mates decided to start organising Memorial Rugby Veteran Tournament under his name, this sixth edition was more exhilarating thanks to the prestigious patronage of European Veteran Rugby Association - EVRA and the event gathered teams from Ravenna (I Passatelli), Viterbo (Old Rugby Team), Vicenza (Guattro Gatti), Cesena (Old Rugby Team) and the Oldies of Sesto Fiorentino Old.
Memorial was open to all palyers "over 35" and even the competitive spirit faded away all players shared still "deep routed rugby way", doen not matter team mates or opponents.

The true aim of the matches was no longer to "win with a big score" but rather the enjoyment of playing the game and the friendship, as highlighted by Dario Cicognani, Imola Rugby Old team member.

The Tournament followed truly the rules of Golden Oldies - Veteran Rugby - "no winners, no loosers", but the enjoyment of meeting new and old friends, feeling at the end of the day  Imola genuine way
of hospitality and rugby friendship.
Mattia Grandi

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