




No Winners, no Loosers . . . 
L´Isle-sur-la-Sorgue near Avignon, the small town with about 20.000 inhabitants situated in Provence – Alpes - Cóte d´Azur was at its beginning in Middle age a fishermen village on the small island of the river Sorgue surrounded with the big swamp area. Many channels crossing the place itself and the whole area gave the name to the Town – “Venice of Comtat” before today´s name appears.

Of course it is also “Rugby area” and the Farios as the local club is organising this International event since 2006, as the part of UFAR yearly programme and since

2011 also as the part of Licor Beirao EVRA European Series.

2013 edition brought 12 teams together, in two age categories . . .

Over 35 – I Passatelli (Ravenna, Italy), Los Pastres (Saint Affrique), Apréshistovalie (Tautavel), Papy Cops (Puy en Velay), Souis Mangas (Feurs), Happy H´Ours (Noves)
Over 50 – Old Colleferro (Roma, Italy), I Passatelli (Ravenna, Italy), Languedoc – Roussillon Committee, G R L (Lyon area), Ruby Tourist (Grasse) and the organisers Les Farios Veterans and Over 50.

More than 300 players, friends, relatives celebrated this “Rugby holiday” in L´Isle – sur – la – Sorgue.

At the end of the playing day during the “third halftime”  Papy Cops (for Over 35) were awarded with the Broques Antiques Trophy “La roue” (The Wheel) and the Languedoc – Roussillon Committee team (for Over 50) with “Le casier” (The Bottle Rack), trophy won in 2012 by Lviv veterans from Ukraina.

I Passatelli and Old Colleferro veterans were awarded for their “Passion for Rugby”  - travelled by cars from far away just to enjoy one day of Fun, Friendship & Fraternity of veteran rugby in France.
Two oldest players of the Tournament René (71) and Francois (73) were specially honoured by all teams. Another special dedicates & many great thanks to Farios Creator (25 years ago) always honoured President for his 60th anniversary: Guy Bougnas
The French National Team “La Mascotte” was present too to give a special flair for the whole Tournament.
Les Farios already determined the date of 2014 Tournament: it is April 26th – “the same procedure as every year!”
Be welcome to join us . . .
Thierry Dias