

7-Broques Antiques


7-Broques Antiques International Tournament

The Grey Wolves awarded in France
The traditional "Broques Antiques“ tournament organised by Les Farios in Isle sur Sourge (France) gathered this year 14 teams that played in 35 - 49 age group (8 teams) and over 50s group (6 teams). For thirteen French teams from Comité region Languedoc-Roussillon, Comité  region Lyon, Comité region Provence-Alpes-Cóte d´Azur and the Grey Wolves from Lviv (Ukraine) the Tournament started already at 9 o´clock in the morning at the breakfast with French Rugby National team mascot Jean - Claude Massard.

"The long day“ followed with the games, quick lunch in the pause for all participants entertained by French orchestra Pena.
Final round of the games ended at the sunset when all players and supporters with music orchestra "cross the Town“ making stops in the local pubs on the way to the Farewell Dinner.

Entertainment, dancing and a lot of fun finished late in the night . . .

"Broques Antiques“ Trophy went to the veterans of Noves and the the first ever award for over 50s got the Ukrainian team. 8th edition of this traditional Tournament is going to be on April 27th 2013!

7-Broques Antiques International Tournament (Poster-pdf)

The Game