

222.222nd VISIT



EVRA website that started 21 months ago attracts more and more visitors looking for the news about European Veteran Rugby. March this year the 111.111th visit was from Burkina Faso!
On November 6th at 16,26 hrs the number of visits grew to 222.222.
This last one came from Luxembourg . . .
Thanks to tournament reports and other activities of our members / supporters the Website offers news from almost every corner of Europe. Being now linked with European Rugby Association - FIRA / AER website even more information will be available . . .

Nowadays the visits are mostly concentrated to big European Veteran Rugby
Event in 2013 - EVRA Festival in Hungary. (Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fensterwww.evra2013.rugby.hu)
The Executive Board would like to use this opportunity to thank all European
Veteran teams/clubs and individual persons being active in promoting
Veteran Sports within EVRA activities, as well to encourage veteran players
to join us in Esztergom and enjoy genuine European Festival, this time with
well known Hungarian hospitality.