

1st Giovanni Santin Memorial


1st Giovanni Santin Memorial was the great success

The 1st ever EVRA Series Event in Pordenone (Italy)


Urogalli Rugby Old from Udine had the "honour" to play this symbolic "first game" of the Memorial. Full of nice impressions "Urogalli" returned home promissing to return in 2018 . . .

The special "attention" had been put when Dario organised the "Third Halftime" . . . with enormous support of local sponsors - "Food & Drinks"  that have been produced exclusively locally!

All the participants enjoyed the regional wines and traditional food, as well as the Game itself  before - all these could not be imagined without voluntarely supporters who "understood" the meaning and importance of this Rugby celebration of Pordenone . . . and did their best!

This Memorial had been the part of EVRA  European Veteran Rugby Series 2017, with the intention to join European activities in the future too.

Special produced European Series plagues had been presented by Paolo Quirini, for this occassion nominated EVRA Representative, to Fondazione Giovanni Santin ONLUS - the initiators of this successfull attempt and to the Pordenone Rugby Club and its Veterans.

To get some impressions take a look at the Photo Gallery . . . Link

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